Stories of
By the Great East Japan Earthquake, people in Miyagi Prefecture who suffered enormous damage, reaffirmed the strength of the community, and have been striving to rebuild an attractive city holding appreciation in their heart for both domestic and overseas supporters.
STORY鎮魂と再生Requiem and rebuilding
STORY願いA wish
STORY海外支援への感謝Appreciation for the overseas support
STORY魚市場 [証言]The fish market [Testimony]
STORY自立と再生Independence and recovery
STORY底上げ [証言1]"Sokoage" [Testimony 1]
STORY底上げ [証言2]"Sokoage" [Testimony 2]
STORY底上げ [証言3]"Sokoage" [Testimony 3]
STORY底上げ [証言4]"Sokoage" [Testimony 4]
STORYギター工房Guitar Studio
STORYギター工房 [証言]Guitar Studio [Testimony]
STORY外国人YouTuberInterview / YouTuber
STORY鎮魂と再生Requiem and Recovery
STORY東京オリンピックTokyo Olympics