About the movie "Never forget you"
Main Theme

You were here who lost your life.
You were here who suffered from the disaster.
You were here who supported us.
You were here who thought about us from overseas.
You were here who embraced our traditional culture, our region and our life.
You were here who offered your assistance to help us.
You are here who are grateful to all of them, and you step forward to the future with pride.
We will not forget all of you.
We will bring all our thoughts to the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.
And we want to share the thoughts with all of you in the world.
March 11, 2011 14:46:18 (Japan time)

March 11, 2011 14:46:18 (Japan time) at 130 km off east-southeast coast of Oshika Peninsula, in Miyagi Prefecture., an unprecedented earthquake called the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred. The magnitude 9.0 was the largest earthquake ever recorded in Japan at the time of its occurrence.
The damage covered the whole eastern Japan. The three northeastern prefectures of Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima, which were close to the epicenter of the quake, have experienced particularly serious damage. A huge tsunami occurred less than 30 minutes after the earthquake. Then, earthquakes and tsunamis took away many lives, and nuclear disasters also took away people's lives.
But at the same time, it was also the beginning of a challenge to overcome deep sorrow and pain, to restore the daily life the victims lost , the forests, the mountains, the oceans, and the industries and traditions which they develop before.
Now, the three prefectures in Tohoku are making new efforts to rebuild the region, including industries, tourism and traditional culture, while facing numerous challenges. They are still striving for the future, pledging to rebuild to the many people who supported us from abroad and Japan, and to the many precious lives we lost. The movie, "Never Forget You" and this website is the one to share our stories with you.

A metaphor of the pledge

There were people who had left for far beyond the sea. Many people supported the victims in the devastated area from all over the world. The disastar victims who live in the present, face the sea with gratitude and the pledge to rebuild to each of you.
I will not forget all of "you".
A girl with a parasol, standing under the sun and the wind from the sea is there as a metaphor of the pledge while receiving the sunshine and the wind of the three northeastern prefectures surrounded by the sea.