Stories of
The people of Iwate Prefecture, which suffered enormous damage mainly on the Sanriku coast, pledge to rebuild and walk to the future with the Requiem and the gratitude for the support from overseas.
STORY鎮魂と誓いRequiem and pledge
STORY海外支援への感謝Appreciation for the overseas support
STORY三陸鉄道 [証言1]Sanriku Railway [testimony 1]
STORY三陸鉄道 [証言2]Sanriku Railway [testimony 2]
STORY伝統芸能 虎舞"Toramai"
STORY虎舞 [証言]"Toramai" [testimony]
STORY伝統芸能 岳神楽"Takekagura"
STORY伝統芸能 鬼剣舞"Onikenbai"
STORY鬼剣舞 [証言]"Onikenbai" [testimony]
STORY外国人ユーチューバーInterview / YouTuber
STORYラグビーワールドカップRugby World Cup
STORY撮影スポットShooting spot